
Depending on the jurisdiction, spouses, children, and parents may be able to recover for a “loss of consortium” in personal injury and wrongful death actions. Some states have extended the availability of loss of consortium damages to other parties, including grandparents and non-married cohabitants. Note, however, that the status of the law with respect to this issue varies c…
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In addition to laws passed by legislatures, there exists a body of principles derived from court decisions and other judicial sources called the “common law.” Courts frequently rely on common law in deciding cases. One common law principle often followed in civil lawsuits, such as personal injury lawsuits arising out of auto accidents, is the “collateral source” rule…
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Workplace injuries are usually followed by a Workers’ Compensation claim filed on behalf of the injured employee. However, in certain situations a lawsuit against the employer may be more appropriate and more rewarding for the injured worker. The typical Workers’ Compensation scenario involves an employee suffering an injury while at work. The injured worker then makes a Workers…
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“Negligent hiring” is a legal doctrine that holds employers liable for unlawful acts committed by their employees. The issue arises when an employer hires a person that she knew or should have known could pose an undue risk of harm to others within the course and scope of employment. Under this doctrine, the employer has the responsibility for checking the background and referen…
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In one decade, cellular telephone use has gone from being a novelty for the fortunate few, to being commonplace in our society. Most Americans have a “cell phone” and many use them while driving. In light of the associated dangers, highway safety advocates argue that cell phone use while driving adversely affects a driver’s concentration and reaction time, thereby posing a…
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